Inside Mount vs. Outside Mount
Selecting window treatment can be overwhelming at times and it’s important to know what type of treatment you’re looking for. One of the age-old questions we get is should we pick inside or outside mount and what do those mean? Typically, we use inside mount, but occasionally outside mount is required or preferred.
There are pros and cons to inside and outside. This post will help you decide which mount is best for you and will explain when we use inside and when we use outside.
Featured: Natural Woven - Inside Mount
Inside Mount
As the name implies, inside mount windows are mounted on the inside of the window frame. Usually, the window treatment is completely set into the frame so that it is flush with the trim.
Roller Shade - Inside Mount
Benefits of Inside Mount
A Clean & Minimal Look.
Since inside mount treatments are mounted inside the frame and flush with the window frame, they provide a clean and minimal style. The treatment is tucked neatly inside the frame and keeps it out of the way.
Less Space
Some homeowners use window sills as decoration and some want their space to feel as large as possible. Inside mount help keep the room clear, open, and large.
When We Use Inside Mount
Layering Treatments
Using an inside mount allows for you to layer treatments. For example, you may want to layer Roller Shades and draperies for a luxurious style. The mounting brackets will be out of the way of the other treatments so you don’t have to worry about mess or functionality.
Show Off Wood Work
Using inside mount treatments allows for your home’s beautiful trim work to be shown off while still covering your windows. Because the treatment is set inside the window your trim will still be visible.
Featured: Natural Wovens - Outside Mount
Outside Mount
Just as “Inside Mount” implies the mount is inside the window, outside mount treatments are mounted on the outside of your window. Usually mounted above the window on the trim and overlapping the sides.
Roller Shade - Outside Mount
Benefits of Outside Mount
Makes Windows Look Larger & Ceilings Taller
Because outside mount treatments are mounted on the outside of the window you can choose to mount them as high or as low as you’d like. By doing this you can make your windows or ceiling appear taller.
Blocks More Light
Outside mount treatments overlap the trim of your window which allows less light to pass around the edges. Perfect for rooms you want the highest level of light-blocking.
When We Use Outside Mount
Covering Doors
By the very nature of doors, treatments must be mounted as outside mount. Doors simply don’t have the depth required for inside mounts, so outside is the best option - plus, we include hold-down brackets to help keep the treatment secured when using the door.
Covering Shallow Windows
Outside mount window treatments are not subject to window depths. This makes them great for shallow windows, often found in older homes.
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